Alpert Medical School and Brown University Affiliation Perks/Benefits
- Benefits of a Warren Alpert Medical School Faculty Appointment | Lifespan
- Benefits of a Warren Alpert Medical School Faculty Appointment – YouTube
- Information for Faculty and Staff | The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
- Brown ID: Brown Accounts and IDs FAQ | BioMed Faculty Administration
- Brown Email account: to activate your account. To learn more, - Brown Bookstore = 20% off the first Friday of each month: The Official Brown University Bookstore
- Brown Gym membership discount: Brown/RISD Membership – Brown University Recreation
- Brown Library – free access to library and online resources:
- Free Local transportation – ride RIPTA buses and Trolleys for free with Brown ID: RIPTA UPass |Transportation Office (
- Free RISD admission: Hours & Admission | RISD Museum
- Free Rosetta Stone: All Software | Software Catalog
- Free Software: All Software | Software Catalog
- Free Zoom account: Zoom Client for Meetings | Software Catalog
- Tuition Assistance Program – $1000/undergrad year for Teaching Scholar, (Research), and Research Scholar tracks:
- Discounts with Local Vendors: BEAR Bargains Discount List | University Human Resources |Brown University
- DEI at Alpert Medical School:
- Wellness:
- Brown ID: Brown Accounts and IDs FAQ | BioMed Faculty Administration
- Benefits of a Warren Alpert Medical School Faculty Appointment | Lifespan
Family Resources
- Bright Horizons
- Childcare center adjacent to Rhode Island Hospital for convenient drop-off and pickup
- Offers summer camp for 3-5 year olds
- Offers free college counseling/advising programs
- Eastside Early Learning Center: Eastside Early Learning Center
- Childcare center adjacent to Butler Hospital on the east side of Providence
- Mom.Doc.Family – listserv created by Rhode Island women physicians to share information about family resources
- Bright Horizons
Physician Health and Wellness
Professional Development
- RI Medical Societies/Resources
- American College of Physicians, RI Chapter: Rhode Island Chapter | ACP Online
- Rhode Island Medical Society: Rhode Island Medical Society | Support and Advocacy for all RI Physicians
- RI Department of Health: Home: Department of Health
- Office of Women in Medicine and Science: Women in Medicine | Brown University
- American College of Physicians, RI Chapter: Rhode Island Chapter | ACP Online
- Teaching Opportunities
- Brown Medical School
- Doctoring Course Preceptor
- Serve as a small group leader to teach first and second year medical students history-taking and physical exam skills (Program Manager, Jennifer Ditusa, Doctoring | Medical Education | Medical School | Brown University
- Doctoring Course Mentor
- Serve as a mentor to have first and second year medical students practice their history-taking and physical exam skills at your primary inpatient or outpatient site (Director of Community Engagement, Julia Noguchi, Doctoring | Medical Education | Medical School | Brown University
- Advanced Clinical Mentorship
- Third and fourth-year medical students have the option of completing an Advanced Clinical Mentorship with a clinical faculty member, consisting of 12 weekly half-day sessions at a single outpatient site. Advanced Clinical Mentorship | Medical Education | Medical School | Brown University
- Doctoring Course Preceptor
- Brown Internal Medicine Residency
- 2nd site preceptor
- Serve as a second site preceptor to have a 2nd or 3rd year Internal Medicine resident see patients ½ day per week in your outpatient clinic site (Coordinator, Liliana Velez,
- Brown University Internal Medicine Residency Curriculum & Rotations
- Serve as a second site preceptor to have a 2nd or 3rd year Internal Medicine resident see patients ½ day per week in your outpatient clinic site (Coordinator, Liliana Velez,
- 2nd site preceptor
- Brown Medical School
- CME Opportunities
- Public Health Out Loud
- 3rd Wednesday of each month from 12-1pm
- Covers current COVID-related topics and important public health issues
- Public Health Out Loud
- 3rd Wednesday of each month from 12-1pm
- Medicine Grand Rounds: Continuing Medical Education | Lifespan
- Each Tuesday from 8-9am
- Miriam Hospital Morbidity and Mortality Rounds: Continuing Medical Education | Lifespan
- Select Wednesday from 7-8am
- Public Health Out Loud
- Global Health Initiative: Brown University Global Health Initiative
- Dominican Republic
- Haiti
- Kenya
- Dominican Republic
- RI Medical Societies/Resources
Leadership Opportunities
- American College of Physicians Certificate in Physician Leadership Program
- Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM), Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership at Drexel University College of Medicine
- Harvard Leadership Development for Physicians in Academic Health Centers
- The Physicians Foundation
- American Association for Physician Leadership
- Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
- Harvard Women in Leadership: Online Program for Emerging Leaders
- Bryant Women’s Summit
- American College of Physicians Certificate in Physician Leadership Program
Medical Education Opportunities
Volunteer and Community Engagement Opportunities
PowerPoint Templates