Module 1 - Faculty Mentorship & Advancement Program - Introduction
Faculty Mentorship & Advancement Program – IntroductionPresenters
Kelly A. McGarry, MD
Dominick Tammaro, MDDescription
This is a brief video describing the structure and intent of the DGIM Faculty Mentorship & Advancement Program – a great place to start for all new faculty and new mentors.Related Links
Module 2 - Mentoring Program – Mentor/Mentee Relationship
Mentoring Program – Mentor/Mentee RelationshipPresenters
Kelly A. McGarry, MD
Dominick Tammaro, MDDescription
A brief video describing the benefits and nuance of the mentee/mentor relationship – how to make the most out of this critical component of the mentoring program.Related Links
Module 3 - Curating Your CV & Vivo Page
Curating your CV & Vivo PagePresenters
Rebekah Gardner, MD
Fred J. Schiffman, MDDescription
An outstanding and practical brief guide to maintaining your CV in a current, relevant, and painless manner.Related Links
- Brown CV Format: CV Format – Medical Faculty (Word)
- Approved Language for Teaching Roles: Sample CV – Teaching Roles
Module 4 - The Annual Division Director Faculty Performance Meeting
The Annual Division Director Faculty Performance MeetingPresenters
Kelly A. McGarry, MD
Douglas Shemin, MDDescription
A peek behind the curtain – How to prepare for and use this annual check-in with your division director to your career development advantage.Related Links
Module 5 - How to Be an Effective Mentor
How to Be an Effective MentorPresenters
Melissa McNeil, MD
Betsy Toll, MDDescription
For Mentors: An outstanding primer on how to be an effective mentor from two experienced and highly effective mentors.Related Links
Module 6 - Make the Most of Your Mentoring Relationship
Make the Most of Your Mentoring RelationshipPresenters
Jennifer Jeremiah, MD
Rachel Simmons, MDDescription
For Mentees: An outstanding primer on how to be an effective mentee from two experienced education leaders who have spent much of their careers guiding mentees in career advancement.Related Links
Module 7 - Developing and Maintaining Excellence in Clinical Care
Developing and Maintaining Excellence in Clinical CarePresenters
Michelle Anvar, MD
Robert Velasco, MDDescription
For everyone: We are doctors first! Advice on how to maintain clinical excellence in patient care while you pursue other career development opportunities.Module 8 - The Role of The Department of Medicine in the Faculty Promotion Process
Developing and Maintaining Excellence in Clinical CarePresenters
Karen Tashima, MD
Louis B. Rice, MDDescription
How does the academic advancement and promotion process work? This video outlines the process, described by two major stakeholders in your success.Module 9 - Promotion Process Pitfalls
Promotion Process PitfallsPresenters
Angie Caliendo, MD, PhD
Karen Tashima, MDDescription
A companion video to Module 8 – Where do faculty go astray in navigating the promotions process and how to avoid surprises and delaysModule 10 - Understanding Academic Funding
Coming SoonPresenters
Angie Caliendo, MD, PhD
Kelly A. McGarry, MDDescription
Our work as educators and investigators in complex and funding for these activities is even more so. This module will provide information on how funding streams help us in our work in these areas.Module 11 - Why is Academic Promotion Important?
Why is Academic Promotion Important?Presenters
Mukesh Jain, MD
Louis B. Rice, MDDescription
This is a critically important module for all of us seeking to understand how academic advancement and promotion help us in our growth as clinicians, educators, investigators and leaders. Two key figures in this process share their insights.Module 12 - Academic Progress – Is it Different For Women?
Academic Progress – Is it Different For Women?Presenters
Ghada Bourjeily, MD
J. Dawn Abbott, MDDescription
An important module for female faculty in which two successful senior faculty provide insights on effective strategies for women in academic roles.Related Links
Module 13 - Academic Progress – Is it Different for URiM Faculty?
Academic Progress – Is it Different for URiM Faculty? (Part 1)
Academic Progress – Is it Different for URiM Faculty? (Part 2)Presenters
Tracey Guthrie, MD
Patricia Poitevien, MDModule 14 - Faculty Promotion Workshop for Clinical and Clinician Educator Tracks Faculty
Faculty Promotion Workshop for Clinical and Clinician Educator Tracks FacultyPresenters
Michele G. Cyr, MD, MACPDescription
Clinical & Clinician/Educator Tracks: This very clear and informative video provides a “Users Guide” to promotion from the perspective of the office of faculty affairs at brown – they make the rules! Dr. Cyr walks us through the requirements and offers clarity and focus.Related Links
Module 15 - Faculty Promotion Workshop for Academic Tracks Faculty
Faculty Promotion Workshop for Academic Tracks FacultyPresenters
Michele G. Cyr, MD, MACPDescription
Research and Teacher/Scholar Tracks: This very clear and informative video provides a “Users Guide” to promotion from the perspective of the office of faculty affairs at brown – they make the rules! Dr. Cyr walks us through the requirements and offers clarity and focus.Related Links
Module 16 - Incorporating DEI into your Work
Incorporating DEI into your WorkPresenters
Debasree Banerjee, MD
Beth Gentilesco, MDDescription
Brown’s requirement for faculty to demonstrate positive efforts to promote diversity and inclusion as essential elements for academic advancement provides faculty with great opportunity. This video provides great clarity and answers regarding the “how”.Module 17 - The Unique Situation of Clinician Educators
The Unique Situation of Clinician EducatorsPresenters
Jennifer Jeremiah, MD
Kate Cahill, MDDescription
Clinician-Educators play an important role through the teaching and scholarship. The Clinician-Educator Track supports advancement of faculty whose major academic effort is in education. This video describes how to navigate those requirements.